# Toggles gpio to turn grow lights on/off and then updates grafana import requests import time import subprocess from apscheduler.schedulers.background import BackgroundScheduler scheduler = BackgroundScheduler() scheduler.start() gpio_lights = "15" def send_data(results): try: output = requests.post('', data = results, timeout=30) print(output) except: pass def toggle_lights(state): if state == 'on': print('on') subprocess.run(["gpio", "mode", gpio_lights, "out"]) subprocess.run(["gpio", "write", gpio_lights, "1"]) else: print('off') subprocess.run(["gpio", "write", gpio_lights, "0"]) subprocess.run(["gpio", "mode", gpio_lights, "in"]) def turn_on_lights(): print('Turning lights on') toggle_lights('on') results = 'hydro_lights,host=nanopi value={}'.format(1) print(results) send_data(results) def turn_off_lights(): print('Turning lights off') toggle_lights('off') results = 'hydro_lights,host=nanopi value={}'.format(0) print(results) send_data(results) print('Starting up') #Just to check lights are off turn_off_lights() print('Lights are off') #turn_on_lights() #print('Lights are on') #schedule to turn on at 8am scheduler.add_job(turn_on_lights, trigger='cron', hour=10 ) #scheduler.add_job(turn_on_lights, trigger='cron', hour=8 ) #schedule to turn off #scheduler.add_job(turn_off_lights, trigger='cron', hour=20 ) scheduler.add_job(turn_off_lights, trigger='cron', hour=19 ) while True: time.sleep(30)