Uploaded additional ROMs and Tools
This commit is contained in:
@ -0,0 +1,3 @@
Ericsson MC218
ROM Dump
UK Version 259
Binary file not shown.
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@ -0,0 +1,90 @@
Series 7 Patch - (Build version 756)
3.Installation Instructions
This patch should only be installed on a Series 7 device that
is of build version 750 or greater.
Check the version by going into the main menu, information,
About netBook. The Build version should be listed in the format
The patch updates the operating system to the latest
manufactured release
3.Installation Instructions
1.Ensure that you have backed up all your data
2.Copy the files Rom_4mb.img and Update.exe to the
root of C:\ on your Series 7 using PsiWin or Compact
3.Ensure that the Series 7 is powered up from the
mains using the DC Jack
4.Run Update.exe, by double tapping it, to install the
patch to your Series 7
5.You will be prompted with the question " Have you
backed up your data?" If you have done so, tap OK to
6.You will then be prompted to start the process. Tap
OK to continue
7.The Series 7 screen will become black and you will
see an indication of the upgrading occuring
8.Upon completion, a Green screen with PASS should be
9.You then need to remove the DC jack, the main battery
and the backup lithium battery. Then re-insert the main
battery to re-boot your Series 7.
10.Your unit should now be updated to Build version 756
Binary file not shown.
Binary file not shown.
@ -0,0 +1,90 @@
Series 7 Patch - (Build version 756)
3.Installation Instructions
This patch should only be installed on a Series 7 device that
is of build version 750 or greater.
Check the version by going into the main menu, information,
About netBook. The Build version should be listed in the format
The patch updates the operating system to the latest
manufactured release
3.Installation Instructions
1.Ensure that you have backed up all your data
2.Copy the files Rom_4mb.img and Update.exe to the
root of C:\ on your Series 7 using PsiWin or Compact
3.Ensure that the Series 7 is powered up from the
mains using the DC Jack
4.Run Update.exe, by double tapping it, to install the
patch to your Series 7
5.You will be prompted with the question " Have you
backed up your data?" If you have done so, tap OK to
6.You will then be prompted to start the process. Tap
OK to continue
7.The Series 7 screen will become black and you will
see an indication of the upgrading occuring
8.Upon completion, a Green screen with PASS should be
9.You then need to remove the DC jack, the main battery
and the backup lithium battery. Then re-insert the main
battery to re-boot your Series 7.
10.Your unit should now be updated to Build version 756
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Load Diff
Binary file not shown.
File diff suppressed because it is too large
Load Diff
@ -0,0 +1,10 @@
Hello 4 all Psion netBook users from Germany.
German variant of Psion netBook OS image was distributed without source of OPL toolbar.
All other language variant of OS image has included this file.
So, I patched this file separately and included to this archive.
If you're an OPL developer, you can copy toolbar source from this archive to your Psion.
File diff suppressed because it is too large
Load Diff
File diff suppressed because it is too large
Load Diff
@ -0,0 +1,60 @@
# Cumulative patch file for Psion mBook (Malaysian netBook) OS image NB_281UK.IMG
# Version: c1.60a
# All patches made by: Poke^Patisoners 2003-2005
# Visible Z: drive (RomDrive) in shell drive selection listbox
# Value of the enum const EDriveY changed to the value EDriveZ
# (0x5031e3c0 - 0x50345f64) --> [-R---] 162724 /System/Apps/Shell/Shell.app
0033E654: 19 1A
# Console selection bugfix.
# (0x501ec250 - 0x502685d4) --> [-R---] 508804 /System/Libs/Eikon.dll
00201AD5: 30 50
# Stretch file icons in Color256 Mode, Not only EGray4 mode
# (0x50150570 - 0x501579dc) --> [-R---] 29804 /System/Libs/ApGrfx.dll
001542D4: 02 06
# Color16 console support, not Gray16 but Color16!!
# (0x501ec250 - 0x502685d4) --> [-R---] 508804 /System/Libs/Eikon.dll
00202E2C: A2 BD
00202FB4: 40 5B
00202FD8: 37 52
# Netbook OPL Toolbar.opo Main battery icon status, bugfix
# (0x50b546fc - 0x50b56c8c) --> [-----] 9616 /System/OPL/Toolbar.opo
00B56B14: 49 47
00B56B7C: 45 43
# Netbook OPL source of Toolbar Main battery icon status, bugfix
# (0x50b602bc - 0x50b65416) --> [-----] 20826 /System/OPL/Toolbar
# < const KEikonBatteryMask%=73
# > const KEikonBatteryMask%=71
00B609FF: 33 31
# < const KEikonBatteryAbsent%=69
# > const KEikonBatteryAbsent%=67
00B60A1D: 39 37
# Netbook OPL Toolbar.opo backup battery status, bugfix
# (0x50b546fc - 0x50b56c8c) --> [-----] 9616 /System/OPL/Toolbar.opo
00B56AD0: 00 28
00B56AD1: 2A 00
00B56AD3: 00 28
00B56AD4: 2C 00
# Netbook OPL source of Toolbar backup battery status, bugfix
# (0x50b602bc - 0x50b65416) --> [-----] 20826 /System/OPL/Toolbar
# < gColorBackground 255,green%,blue%
# > gColorBackground 255,0,0
00B6527F: 67 30
00B65280: 72 2C
00B65281: 65 30
00B65282: 65 20
00B65283: 6E 20
00B65284: 25 20
00B65285: 2C 20
00B65286: 62 20
00B65287: 6C 20
00B65288: 75 20
00B65289: 65 20
00B6528A: 25 20
# End of patch file
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Load Diff
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Binary file not shown.
@ -0,0 +1,84 @@
Patches by Poke^Patisoners
Taken from
Current release of netBook OS image cumulative patch file is: c1.60a.
Psion netBook
* NB_450UK.IMG - Version: 1.05 (450) – English (UK) – ASCII (Release 158)
* NB_453US.IMG - Version: 1.05 (453) – English (US) – ASCII (Release 158)
* NB_456FR.IMG - Version: 1.05 (456) – French (FR) – ASCII (Release 158)
* NB_457GE.IMG - Version: 1.05 (457) – German (GE) – ASCII (Release 158)
* NB_462SP.IMG - Version: 1.05 (462) – Spanish (SP) – ASCII (Release 158)
* MB_281UK.IMG - Version: 1.05 (281) – English (UK) – ASCII (Release 158) (for mBook)
Psion, Epoc, Operating System (OS) image file, patching process, bug fix, bpatch tool, PsiRom tool
Article describe about some bugs in actual Psion netBook operating system. In article is published cumulative bug fix patch and explained method how fixing this bugs against actual Psion netBook OS image file ver. 1.05 (rel.158). If someone use another language variant of image file than is in support list and needs my patches for your language variant of OS.IMG file, please contact me and I try prepare patch file for your language variant.
I was Psion 5mx owner from 2001. I upgraded to netBook at end of 2003. After some happy days with my new machine I find that last Psion netBook OS.IMG file (rel.158) have absolutely apparent bugs (wrong or greyscale icons, bad OPL toolbar and etc...). I assume that properly testing from times of Protea Bill Batchelor’s beta tester team, new Psion’s Teklogix team not done. It was sad but true. Maybe final build of OS image was made in hurry and without deep beta testing.
I begin fix this bugs especially for me. Later, I present this bug fix to other people. Omega (osg) (another member of Patisoners team) convinces me for releasing my bug fixes for all netBook users. So, I make it now.
This cumulative patch file is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but without any warranty. Otherwise, I use patched OS image about several months without problems. Basically, I was created this cumulative patch file primary for myself, but if you want use it too.
Actual patch file fix this bugs and issues of original Psion netBook OS image file (Rel.158):
* Wrong OPL Toolbar main battery status icon (toolbar.opo and toolbar source). (bug fix)
* Shell stretch icons in 4 grey colour mode only. (bug fix)
* Wrong InstApp.aif icons and caption. (bug fix)
* EikConsole text selection bug. (bug fix)
* Backup battery status visible on OPL Toolbar (toolbar.opo and toolbar source). (improvement)
* Colour EikConsole support. (improvement)
* Visible Z: drive (RomDrive) in shell listbox. (improvement)
More about all netBook OS image bugs and bug fixes you can read next articles in near future.
This patch directly modified binary file of OS.IMG, so you need download this image before patching. You also need installed bpatch tool, and patch file (typically *.dif) file. If you don't know how use bpatch tool, please read bpatch tool article.
Actual Psion netBook OS.IMG file you can download here.
Actual Psion MalayBook (mBook) OS.IMG you can download here.
Actual GNU bpatch tool for many platforms (Windoze, Linux, Epoc, EpocEmx) and with sources you can download here.
Actual patch file for NB_450UK.IMG (or other os image) you can download here.
Step-by-step procedure is:
1) Download and install GNU bpatch tool file archive, for your operation system.
2) Download and unzip my cumulative patch file archive.
3) Download original Psion's OS image file archive.
4) Unzip all files from original Psion's image zip archive.
5) Apply my patch file to the original Psion netBook OS image.
For example type:
bpatch C:NB_450UK.IMG.c160a.dif C:NB_450UK.IMG
6) If bpatch tool reports that everything was made ok, you can use new (patched) version of NB_450UK.IMG file. Otherwise, read and make procedure again and report to me.
7) Read whole text file ReadMe.txt from Psion's
8) Apply installation process described in Psion ReadMe.txt, but with your new (patched) version of OS image.
9) Enjoy new version of netBook OS.
If you have some problem with this patch file or you find some new bug, send me email or post comments at end of this article.
Brno, Czech Republic, Europe.
Binary file not shown.
Binary file not shown.
Binary file not shown.
Binary file not shown.
Binary file not shown.
Binary file not shown.
@ -0,0 +1,13 @@
1) Installation of Optional Components
In some versions certain components are included separately to the OS.
To install these optional components, connect the netBook to your PC in
the usual manner, extract each SIS file from the zip file (for the exact
procedure please see the instructions with your zip application).
Open the SIS file to automatically load the application onto the netBook.
Should you have problems with the above, verify the following:
The netBook is turned on.
PsiWin is installed correctly.
The netBook is correctly connected to the PC.
Alternatively, the SIS files may be copied directly to the netBook
(using PsiWin) and opened from there.
Binary file not shown.
Binary file not shown.
Binary file not shown.
Binary file not shown.
Binary file not shown.
Binary file not shown.
@ -0,0 +1,35 @@
Contrato de licencia
PsiROM y PsiROMx con todos sus ficheros asociados (el "Software"), son
propiedad de Juan J. Villacorta (el "Autor"). El Software es propiedad
intelectual del autor y está protegido por las leyes de derechos de autor
españolas y por los correspondientes tratados internacionales.
Este contrato de licencia no es una venta del Software. Este contrato de
licencia proporciona únicamente permiso para el uso del Software como se
especifica expresamente en este contrato de licencia.
Usted puede utilizar el Software en cualquier ordenador o PDA para su
propósito predeterminado, de forma gratuita. La utilización de los
ficheros de imagen ROM generados con el Software está limitada a uso
personal. No está permitido su explotación comercial, incluyendo su venta
y alquiler. Puede redistribuir el Software y los ficheros de imagen ROM
a través de cualquier medio siempre y cuando no modifiques ninguno de los
ficheros incluidos y no cobre nada por ello (excepto un coste "razonable" en
concepto de tasas de empaquetado y distribución).
Usted NO puede: (a) hacer ingeniería inversa de ningún fichero incluido en el
Software; (b) modificar o adaptar el Software o cualquier porción incluida en
el; (c) copiar o usar cualquier porción del Software con propósito comercial;
(d) vender, ceder o alquilar tus derechos con el Software; (e) eliminar o
modificar cualquier logotipo, copyright o avisos de propiedad incluidos o
asociados con el Software.
PsiROM y PsiROMx se proporcionan "tal cual" y sin garantía de ningún tipo. El
Autor no se hace responsable de ningún daño, directo o indirecto, resultante
de su uso o de su imposibilidad de uso.
Al descargar y usar el Software o una parte del mismo, usted reconoce haber
leído, entendido y aceptado todos los términos y condiciones de este contrato.
Si usted no está de acuerdo con todos los términos u condiciones de este
contrato no puede descargarlo ni utilizarlo y debe destruir todas las copias
que posea.
@ -0,0 +1,30 @@
License Agreement
PsiROM and PsiROMx with all their associated files (the "Software"), are owned
by Juan J. Villacorta (the "Author"). The software is copyrighted and
protected by Spanish copyright laws and international treaty provisions.
This Agreement is not a sale of the Software. This Agreement provides only
permissions to use the Software as specified therein.
You may use the Software on any computer or PDA for its intended purpose, free
of charge. The use of the ROM image files generated with the Software is
limited to personal usage. Its commercial operation is not allowed, including
its sale and rent. You may redistribute the Software and the ROM image files
through any medium, provided you don't modify any of the files included and
you don't charge anything for it (except for "reasonable" packaging and
distribution fees).
You may NOT: (a) reverse-engineer any file included in the software;
(b) modify or adapt the Software or any portion thereof; (c) copy or use any
portion of the Software for any commercial purpose; (d) sell, rent or lease
your rights to the Software; (e) remove or alter any logo, copyright or
proprietary notice in or associated with the Software.
PsiROM and PsiROMx is provided "as is" and with no warranty of any kind. The
Author cannot be held responsible for any damage, direct or indirect,
resulting from its use or inability to use.
By downloading and using the Software or any portion thereof you acknowledge
that you have read, understand and agree to be bound by the terms and
conditions of this license. If you do not agree to the terms and conditions
of this license, you must not download and use the Software and you must
destroy any copy in your possession.
Binary file not shown.
@ -0,0 +1,10 @@
Hello 4 all Psion netBook users from Germany.
German variant of Psion netBook OS image was distributed without source of OPL toolbar.
All other language variant of OS image has included this file.
So, I patched this file separately and included to this archive.
If you're an OPL developer, you can copy toolbar source from this archive to your Psion.
Binary file not shown.
@ -0,0 +1,197 @@
Project: Psion netBook
Component: Operating System (OS) Image
Version: 1.05 (456) – French – ASCII (Release 158)
Release Information
Date: 20 August 2002
In these notes:
1. Introduction
2. Installation
3. Installation of Optional Components
4. Restoration from Backup (Note: this is important)
5. New Features
6. Improvements from Previous Releases
7. Known Issues
1. Introduction
This is an OS image for the Psion netBook. These notes cover download
and installation as well as improvements and new features.
2. Installation
* Prior to installation, you should back up all data from your netBook.
(This installation procedure will erase all data that is not
on CompactFlash)
* It will not be possible to restore your internet and modem connection
details. Make a note of these.
* You will need a CompactFlash card with sufficent (approx 14MB) free
space, and with no OS.IMG file in the default folder.
* It is recommended to install the OS with a fully charged
main battery.
* Download the zipped OS from Teklogix website (you may have already done this.)
* Save the file to your local hard drive. (Psion recommends the
My Documents folder)
* Open the zip file (your browser may provide this option, otherwise open
directly from your My Documents folder.)
If this does not work, you may not have a zip application installed.
WinZip (a shareware program not affiliated with or endorsed by Psion)
is available for the PC from www.winzip.com
* Extract the OS Image file to the CompactFlash card. This may be
performed with PsiWin and a Psion netBook or with a separate
CompactFlash cardreader.
* Rename the OS Image on the CompactFlash card to OS.IMG (The file as
supplied is named according to language and version number.) This must
be performed using directly on the netBook. (Click the Epoc logo to bring
up the system application, click bottom left on the screen to select the
D drive [it will probably say C initially], then select the image file
and choose menu, file, rename... Type OS.IMG as the new filename, and
press return)
* The next stages will remove all saved and unsaved data from your
netBook. It is essential to back up any data that you wish to preserve.
(Note: data on CompactFlash cards is not affected.)
* Switch off the netBook.
* Remove the backup battery, then the main battery, and then the power supply
from the netBook. (Note: this should be performed in the order suggested
to reduce drain on the backup battery).
* After waiting 15 seconds, replace the main battery and then the
backup battery (and optionally the power supply.)
(Note: this should be performed in the order suggested to reduce drain
on the backup battery).
* Switch on the netBook, and when prompted insert the CompactFlash card
with the new OS image. The netBook will copy the image into
internal memory, and when this is complete the new OS is
installed and the CompactFlash card may be removed.
* See Restoration from Backup, below
3. Installation of Optional Components
In some versions certain components are included separately to the OS.
To install these optional components, connect the netBook to your PC in
the usual manner, extract each SIS file from the zip file (for the exact
procedure please see the instructions with your zip application).
Open the SIS file to automatically load the application onto the netBook.
Should you have problems with the above, verify the following:
The netBook is turned on.
PsiWin is installed correctly.
The netBook is correctly connected to the PC.
Alternatively, the SIS files may be copied directly to the netBook
(using PsiWin) and opened from there.
4. Restoration from Backup
This details the procedure for restoring from a backup previously made
with PsiWin.
This procedure may be skipped (and backup restored in the usual way)
only if you are certain that the previous OS already had Ethernet support.
If in doubt, please follow these instructions.
Follow the Installation instructions above
(you may already have done this)
Go to System (press the lower left icon on your netBook screen,
with the Epoc logo)
Press Menu, select "Tools", then "Preferences..."
Ensure that "Show System Folder" is ticked.
Press Return
Browse to System\Data:
If C is not showing in the bottom left of the screen,
click there and select the C Drive.
Double click "Close" (top left folder) as many times as
necessary, until Documents and System folders are showing.
Double click "System"
Double click "Data"
Select commsdb.dat
Press Menu, File, Rename...
Type in commsdb.tmp and then press Return.
Restore your backed up files using PsiWin in the usual way.
Browse to System\Data (as above)
Select commsdb.dat
Press Delete and select "Yes".
(This will delete the out of date commsdb.dat from your backup)
Select commsdb.tmp
Press Menu, File, Rename...
Type in commsdb.dat and then press Return.
This stage is necessary to remove your out of date commsdb.dat settings.
You can now restore your internet and ethernet settings from your notes,
using the Control Panel.
Note: If you inadvertently failed to follow these instructions during
initial installation, certain internet and ethernet applications may
be unstable. Should this be the case, please follow these
recovery instructions:
Make a note of your internet, modem, and ethernet settings.
Go to System (press the lower left icon on your netBook screen,
with the Epoc logo)
Press Menu, select "Tools", then "Preferences"
Ensure that "Show System Folder" is ticked.
Press Return
Browse to System\Data:
If C is not showing in the bottom left of the screen,
click there and select the C Drive.
Double click "Close" (top left folder) as many times as
necessary, until Documents and System folders are showing.
Double click "System"
Double click "Data"
Select commsdb.dat, and press Delete, then "Yes".
This will remove the incorrect settings, and you can now restore your
internet and ethernet settings from your notes (using Control Panel.)
Alternatively, fully reinstall the OS as detailed above.
5. New Features
Support is now included for LAN, rLAN, IrLan and 802.11
(Lucent and Cisco) PC cards.
Ethernet settings are available in the System Control Panel.
Enabled Ethernet settings can be used to access the internet
in a similar manner to other internet connections.
Opera Version 5.
Opera (www.opera.com) replaces the previous Symbian web
browsing application and Opera 3.16.
(Either supplied with the OS or as a separate SIS file.
See Installation of Optional Components above.)
nFTP (www.neuon.com) is a fully featured FTP client.
(Either supplied with the OS or as a separate SIS file.
See Installation of Optional Components above.)
NetStatRF is used to measure the signal strength of a wireless
LAN card.
6. Improvements from Previous Releases
* InfraRed sending of contacts is now fully supported.
* File copying issues are now resolved.
* Agenda Preferences issues are now resolved.
* Contacts labels issues are now resolved.
7. Known Issues
If you have problems using Ethernet or any internet application, and
you have restored a previous backup since updating the OS, please check
the procedure under "Restoration from Backup" above.
It is possible that your netBook may occasionally appear to be unresponsive
when using certain Modem PC Cards. Should this happen please eject
and replace your Modem PC Card, and repeat the connection process.
nFTP may very occasionally abort (with an eSock error) while initially
connecting to an FTP server. This will not lose any data in the NetBook,
and nFTP may be safely restarted.
Binary file not shown.
@ -0,0 +1,197 @@
Project: Psion netBook
Component: Operating System (OS) Image
Version: 1.05 (462) – Spanish – ASCII (Release 158)
Release Information
Date: 20 August 2002
In these notes:
1. Introduction
2. Installation
3. Installation of Optional Components
4. Restoration from Backup (Note: this is important)
5. New Features
6. Improvements from Previous Releases
7. Known Issues
1. Introduction
This is an OS image for the Psion netBook. These notes cover download
and installation as well as improvements and new features.
2. Installation
* Prior to installation, you should back up all data from your netBook.
(This installation procedure will erase all data that is not
on CompactFlash)
* It will not be possible to restore your internet and modem connection
details. Make a note of these.
* You will need a CompactFlash card with sufficent (approx 14MB) free
space, and with no OS.IMG file in the default folder.
* It is recommended to install the OS with a fully charged
main battery.
* Download the zipped OS from Teklogix website (you may have already done this.)
* Save the file to your local hard drive. (Psion recommends the
My Documents folder)
* Open the zip file (your browser may provide this option, otherwise open
directly from your My Documents folder.)
If this does not work, you may not have a zip application installed.
WinZip (a shareware program not affiliated with or endorsed by Psion)
is available for the PC from www.winzip.com
* Extract the OS Image file to the CompactFlash card. This may be
performed with PsiWin and a Psion netBook or with a separate
CompactFlash cardreader.
* Rename the OS Image on the CompactFlash card to OS.IMG (The file as
supplied is named according to language and version number.) This must
be performed using directly on the netBook. (Click the Epoc logo to bring
up the system application, click bottom left on the screen to select the
D drive [it will probably say C initially], then select the image file
and choose menu, file, rename... Type OS.IMG as the new filename, and
press return)
* The next stages will remove all saved and unsaved data from your
netBook. It is essential to back up any data that you wish to preserve.
(Note: data on CompactFlash cards is not affected.)
* Switch off the netBook.
* Remove the backup battery, then the main battery, and then the power supply
from the netBook. (Note: this should be performed in the order suggested
to reduce drain on the backup battery).
* After waiting 15 seconds, replace the main battery and then the
backup battery (and optionally the power supply.)
(Note: this should be performed in the order suggested to reduce drain
on the backup battery).
* Switch on the netBook, and when prompted insert the CompactFlash card
with the new OS image. The netBook will copy the image into
internal memory, and when this is complete the new OS is
installed and the CompactFlash card may be removed.
* See Restoration from Backup, below
3. Installation of Optional Components
In some versions certain components are included separately to the OS.
To install these optional components, connect the netBook to your PC in
the usual manner, extract each SIS file from the zip file (for the exact
procedure please see the instructions with your zip application).
Open the SIS file to automatically load the application onto the netBook.
Should you have problems with the above, verify the following:
The netBook is turned on.
PsiWin is installed correctly.
The netBook is correctly connected to the PC.
Alternatively, the SIS files may be copied directly to the netBook
(using PsiWin) and opened from there.
4. Restoration from Backup
This details the procedure for restoring from a backup previously made
with PsiWin.
This procedure may be skipped (and backup restored in the usual way)
only if you are certain that the previous OS already had Ethernet support.
If in doubt, please follow these instructions.
Follow the Installation instructions above
(you may already have done this)
Go to System (press the lower left icon on your netBook screen,
with the Epoc logo)
Press Menu, select "Tools", then "Preferences..."
Ensure that "Show System Folder" is ticked.
Press Return
Browse to System\Data:
If C is not showing in the bottom left of the screen,
click there and select the C Drive.
Double click "Close" (top left folder) as many times as
necessary, until Documents and System folders are showing.
Double click "System"
Double click "Data"
Select commsdb.dat
Press Menu, File, Rename...
Type in commsdb.tmp and then press Return.
Restore your backed up files using PsiWin in the usual way.
Browse to System\Data (as above)
Select commsdb.dat
Press Delete and select "Yes".
(This will delete the out of date commsdb.dat from your backup)
Select commsdb.tmp
Press Menu, File, Rename...
Type in commsdb.dat and then press Return.
This stage is necessary to remove your out of date commsdb.dat settings.
You can now restore your internet and ethernet settings from your notes,
using the Control Panel.
Note: If you inadvertently failed to follow these instructions during
initial installation, certain internet and ethernet applications may
be unstable. Should this be the case, please follow these
recovery instructions:
Make a note of your internet, modem, and ethernet settings.
Go to System (press the lower left icon on your netBook screen,
with the Epoc logo)
Press Menu, select "Tools", then "Preferences"
Ensure that "Show System Folder" is ticked.
Press Return
Browse to System\Data:
If C is not showing in the bottom left of the screen,
click there and select the C Drive.
Double click "Close" (top left folder) as many times as
necessary, until Documents and System folders are showing.
Double click "System"
Double click "Data"
Select commsdb.dat, and press Delete, then "Yes".
This will remove the incorrect settings, and you can now restore your
internet and ethernet settings from your notes (using Control Panel.)
Alternatively, fully reinstall the OS as detailed above.
5. New Features
Support is now included for LAN, rLAN, IrLan and 802.11
(Lucent and Cisco) PC cards.
Ethernet settings are available in the System Control Panel.
Enabled Ethernet settings can be used to access the internet
in a similar manner to other internet connections.
Opera Version 5.
Opera (www.opera.com) replaces the previous Symbian web
browsing application and Opera 3.16.
(Either supplied with the OS or as a separate SIS file.
See Installation of Optional Components above.)
nFTP (www.neuon.com) is a fully featured FTP client.
(Either supplied with the OS or as a separate SIS file.
See Installation of Optional Components above.)
NetStatRF is used to measure the signal strength of a wireless
LAN card.
6. Improvements from Previous Releases
* InfraRed sending of contacts is now fully supported.
* File copying issues are now resolved.
* Agenda Preferences issues are now resolved.
* Contacts labels issues are now resolved.
7. Known Issues
If you have problems using Ethernet or any internet application, and
you have restored a previous backup since updating the OS, please check
the procedure under "Restoration from Backup" above.
It is possible that your netBook may occasionally appear to be unresponsive
when using certain Modem PC Cards. Should this happen please eject
and replace your Modem PC Card, and repeat the connection process.
nFTP may very occasionally abort (with an eSock error) while initially
connecting to an FTP server. This will not lose any data in the NetBook,
and nFTP may be safely restarted.
Binary file not shown.
@ -0,0 +1,197 @@
Project: Psion netBook
Component: Operating System (OS) Image
Version: 1.05 (450) – English (UK) – ASCII (Release 158)
Release Information
Date: 20 August 2002
In these notes:
1. Introduction
2. Installation
3. Installation of Optional Components
4. Restoration from Backup (Note: this is important)
5. New Features
6. Improvements from Previous Releases
7. Known Issues
1. Introduction
This is an OS image for the Psion netBook. These notes cover download
and installation as well as improvements and new features.
2. Installation
* Prior to installation, you should back up all data from your netBook.
(This installation procedure will erase all data that is not
on CompactFlash)
* It will not be possible to restore your internet and modem connection
details. Make a note of these.
* You will need a CompactFlash card with sufficent (approx 14MB) free
space, and with no OS.IMG file in the default folder.
* It is recommended to install the OS with a fully charged
main battery.
* Download the zipped OS from Teklogix website (you may have already done this.)
* Save the file to your local hard drive. (Psion recommends the
My Documents folder)
* Open the zip file (your browser may provide this option, otherwise open
directly from your My Documents folder.)
If this does not work, you may not have a zip application installed.
WinZip (a shareware program not affiliated with or endorsed by Psion)
is available for the PC from www.winzip.com
* Extract the OS Image file to the CompactFlash card. This may be
performed with PsiWin and a Psion netBook or with a separate
CompactFlash cardreader.
* Rename the OS Image on the CompactFlash card to OS.IMG (The file as
supplied is named according to language and version number.) This must
be performed using directly on the netBook. (Click the Epoc logo to bring
up the system application, click bottom left on the screen to select the
D drive [it will probably say C initially], then select the image file
and choose menu, file, rename... Type OS.IMG as the new filename, and
press return)
* The next stages will remove all saved and unsaved data from your
netBook. It is essential to back up any data that you wish to preserve.
(Note: data on CompactFlash cards is not affected.)
* Switch off the netBook.
* Remove the backup battery, then the main battery, and then the power supply
from the netBook. (Note: this should be performed in the order suggested
to reduce drain on the backup battery).
* After waiting 15 seconds, replace the main battery and then the
backup battery (and optionally the power supply.)
(Note: this should be performed in the order suggested to reduce drain
on the backup battery).
* Switch on the netBook, and when prompted insert the CompactFlash card
with the new OS image. The netBook will copy the image into
internal memory, and when this is complete the new OS is
installed and the CompactFlash card may be removed.
* See Restoration from Backup, below
3. Installation of Optional Components
In some versions certain components are included separately to the OS.
To install these optional components, connect the netBook to your PC in
the usual manner, extract each SIS file from the zip file (for the exact
procedure please see the instructions with your zip application).
Open the SIS file to automatically load the application onto the netBook.
Should you have problems with the above, verify the following:
The netBook is turned on.
PsiWin is installed correctly.
The netBook is correctly connected to the PC.
Alternatively, the SIS files may be copied directly to the netBook
(using PsiWin) and opened from there.
4. Restoration from Backup
This details the procedure for restoring from a backup previously made
with PsiWin.
This procedure may be skipped (and backup restored in the usual way)
only if you are certain that the previous OS already had Ethernet support.
If in doubt, please follow these instructions.
Follow the Installation instructions above
(you may already have done this)
Go to System (press the lower left icon on your netBook screen,
with the Epoc logo)
Press Menu, select "Tools", then "Preferences..."
Ensure that "Show System Folder" is ticked.
Press Return
Browse to System\Data:
If C is not showing in the bottom left of the screen,
click there and select the C Drive.
Double click "Close" (top left folder) as many times as
necessary, until Documents and System folders are showing.
Double click "System"
Double click "Data"
Select commsdb.dat
Press Menu, File, Rename...
Type in commsdb.tmp and then press Return.
Restore your backed up files using PsiWin in the usual way.
Browse to System\Data (as above)
Select commsdb.dat
Press Delete and select "Yes".
(This will delete the out of date commsdb.dat from your backup)
Select commsdb.tmp
Press Menu, File, Rename...
Type in commsdb.dat and then press Return.
This stage is necessary to remove your out of date commsdb.dat settings.
You can now restore your internet and ethernet settings from your notes,
using the Control Panel.
Note: If you inadvertently failed to follow these instructions during
initial installation, certain internet and ethernet applications may
be unstable. Should this be the case, please follow these
recovery instructions:
Make a note of your internet, modem, and ethernet settings.
Go to System (press the lower left icon on your netBook screen,
with the Epoc logo)
Press Menu, select "Tools", then "Preferences"
Ensure that "Show System Folder" is ticked.
Press Return
Browse to System\Data:
If C is not showing in the bottom left of the screen,
click there and select the C Drive.
Double click "Close" (top left folder) as many times as
necessary, until Documents and System folders are showing.
Double click "System"
Double click "Data"
Select commsdb.dat, and press Delete, then "Yes".
This will remove the incorrect settings, and you can now restore your
internet and ethernet settings from your notes (using Control Panel.)
Alternatively, fully reinstall the OS as detailed above.
5. New Features
Support is now included for LAN, rLAN, IrLan and 802.11
(Lucent and Cisco) PC cards.
Ethernet settings are available in the System Control Panel.
Enabled Ethernet settings can be used to access the internet
in a similar manner to other internet connections.
Opera Version 5.
Opera (www.opera.com) replaces the previous Symbian web
browsing application and Opera 3.16.
(Either supplied with the OS or as a separate SIS file.
See Installation of Optional Components above.)
nFTP (www.neuon.com) is a fully featured FTP client.
(Either supplied with the OS or as a separate SIS file.
See Installation of Optional Components above.)
NetStatRF is used to measure the signal strength of a wireless
LAN card.
6. Improvements from Previous Releases
* InfraRed sending of contacts is now fully supported.
* File copying issues are now resolved.
* Agenda Preferences issues are now resolved.
* Contacts labels issues are now resolved.
7. Known Issues
If you have problems using Ethernet or any internet application, and
you have restored a previous backup since updating the OS, please check
the procedure under "Restoration from Backup" above.
It is possible that your netBook may occasionally appear to be unresponsive
when using certain Modem PC Cards. Should this happen please eject
and replace your Modem PC Card, and repeat the connection process.
nFTP may very occasionally abort (with an eSock error) while initially
connecting to an FTP server. This will not lose any data in the NetBook,
and nFTP may be safely restarted.
Reference in New Issue